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Design & Technology and 3D Design

Subject: 3D Design & Technology
Contact: Mr S Parker / Mrs A Adamson


All students at Key Stage 3 study Design and Technology alongside Food Technology. They have the choice to further study 3D Design at Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. Throughout each Key Stage we aim to promote a broad understanding of design and designers to develop ideas, experiment with materials and techniques that lead to finished design pieces. The very nature of our subject allows the teacher to contribute to the intellectual, emotional, social, physical and spiritual development of students.

Key Stage 3 

Overview - Technology

At Key Stage 3 students will experience working with a variety of materials such as thread, wood, metal, paper and digital processes using the laser cutter to develop a wide response of approaches in both ideas and product. The subjects listed below are taught on a project basis and not confined to Autumn, Spring or Summer Term. Over the academic year students undertake each theme in a different order on a carousel system, so they eventually cover all the different aspects of our new Technology Curriculum including food technology.

Independent learning tasks and extended learning projects set as homework, allow students to develop skills in managing their own learning. 

Curriculum Content


Project 1

Project 2 Project 3 Food Technology


Resistant Materials: Desk Buddy

Oceanic Life: T Shirt design Textiles 

Traditional Wooden Puzzle Health & Safety 


Resistant Materials: Memphis Clock

Day Of The Dead: Cushion Design Textiles

Graphics Project World Foods


Resistant Materials: Wood Joint Trinket Box with CAD lid

Mechanical Creatures Collaborative Wall Hanging Textiles

Vacuum Formed Glow Lamp Nutrition

Assessment Criteria

Please find below the assessment benchmarks for Design Technology. A child progresses across the grid (from A-I) when they demonstrate a deeper knowledge and wider range of skills in each assessment carried out.

Key stage 4 - 3D Design

Overview: 3D Design

During Key Stage 4 students will follow the AQA Three-dimensional design course. This course provides opportunities for designing and creating prototypes, models or making functional and aesthetic products, objects and environments. 

Assessment comprises of Component 1: the portfolio unit, and is worth 60% of the overall GCSE grade. Component 2 is the externally set assignment where students respond to their chosen starting point from given titles and is worth 40% of the overall grade. Students will receive 5 lessons per two weeks over a 2 year course.

Exam board and course

AQA Three-dimensional design (8205)


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term


Component 1:
Brancusi Forms
Component 1: Indoor/Outdoors Component 1:
Calder Mobiles


Component 1:
Focused practical & critical contextual studies/mock exam

Component 2:
Externally Set Assignment preparation

Component 2: 
Externally Set Assignment

Enrichment opportunities:

Year 10 and 11 students are welcome to attend after school sessions with a supervising member of staff should they wish to receive additional feedback and 1:1 support with their coursework, or to make use of computers, materials and resources in a more relaxed environment. These sessions allow students the opportunity to enhance their skills, explore further techniques, and maximise their potential before submitting their work at the end of Year 11.

Useful websites to support learning

Technology student website
Technology review website
GCSEbitesize design website
DTonline website
Design-Technology website
Design and tech website
How stuff works website
Design museum website
Design week website
Free ‘Google sketchup’ CAD software can be downloaded from Google or from: website