Key Stage 3 Curriculum
Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)
All students study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, ICT, Spanish, Design and Food Technology, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, and Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE). In addition, we run a programme of literacy support for students who need it.
Grouping and Setting of Students in Key Stage 3
Tutor Groups (Pastoral)
When they join the school all students are placed in a Tutor Group. These groups consist of around 25 students and are carefully planned to ensure that the gender balance and the ability range reflects the profile of the year group. In addition, in Year 7, we ensure that groups contain a mix of students from different primary schools. These groups remain reasonably constant for the 5 years, allowing students to build good relationships with their peers and with their Tutor. Each Tutor Group is in one of 3 Houses (Eaton, Grosvenor and Westminster).
Teaching groups (Academic)
For teaching purposes, we create mixed ability teaching groups. Again, these groups are carefully chosen to ensure that each represents the profile of the Year Group. These groups are re-evaluated each year to ensure that they remain mixed ability and that the gender balance is maintained. Students are taught in these groups in some subjects throughout the Key Stage.
Students are placed in ability groups for some subjects. These groups will be reviewed on a regular basis and changes made where appropriate. The subjects where some setting occurs are:
- Mathematics
- English
- Science
During Year 9 students will make their GCSE choices, known as ‘options’. Full details of courses available can be found in the Options Booklet, released each year and available to download at the bottom of this page.
Assessment at Key stage 3
We believe that students should be supported to reach their potential with realistic yet challenging targets. Students are assessed against targets which are linked to their prior attainment in all subjects and these are mapped out across the Key Stage 3 curriculum when they begin their journey with us at Queen's Park High School.
Student progress will be measured against these targets to assess whether they are 'Below Track, 'On Track' or 'Above Track'. Intervention will be provided in school to support any students who may be 'Below Track', no matter their ability. These outcomes will be shared with parents twice per year, once in January and once in July.
Students will be regularly assessed by their teachers, collecting both summative and formative data to provide evidence for Curriculum Team Leaders to make judgements on progress. The data and benchmarks linked to this will be regularly monitored by senior leaders to ensure that the teaching and learning of each child is accurately informed.
Please find below examples of the assessment benchmarks across the curriculum for each subject. A child progresses across the grid (from A-I) when they demonstrate a deeper knowledge and wider range of skills in each assessment carried out.
Curriculum overview
Please find below links to the Curriculum Overviews for Year 7, 8 and 9 which include a summary of the units studied in every subject area for each half term period. Please click on the links to download.
For information on homework at Key Stage 3 please visit: KS3 Homework