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  • Inspiring Individuals
  • Empowering Minds
  • Defining Futures

School Day

During term time, the school operates a two week timetable system which includes 5 x 60 minute lessons, a morning break and lunchtime per day, totalling 32.5 hours per week (Monday - Friday). *
*From September 2024


Doors open for the students. (Green gates close at 8.35am)

08.35 Students must be in school 
08.40 - 09.05 Set Up / Tutor Time / Assembly 
09.05 - 10.05 Period 1 
10.05 - 11.05 Period 2
11.05 - 11.25 Morning Break
11.25 - 12.25 Period 3
12.25 - 13.10  Lunchtime 
13.10 - 14.10 Period 4 
14.10 - 15.10 Period 5
15.10 End of school day

To find out more information on our Extra -Curricular Programme and the Enrichment Activities we offer, please click on the link 'Extra Curricular'.