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  • Inspiring Individuals
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Policies & Documents

Please click on the attachments below to view The Learning Trust and our school policies.

  1. Accessibility Policy
  2. Admissions Policy 2023-24
  3. Admissions Policy 2024-25
  4. Admissions Policy TLT 2025-2026
  5. Attendance Policy
  6. Behaviour and Culture Policy
  7. Behaviour Towards Staff Policy
  8. British Values Guidelines
  9. CCTV Policy
  10. CEIAG Policy
  11. Charging Policy (TLT)
  12. Complaints Policy and Procedures (TLT)
  13. Curriculum Policy
  14. Data Protection - Candidates Privacy Notice (TLT)
  15. Data Protection - External Privacy Notice (Pupils, Students, Parents)
  16. Data Protection - Privacy Notice for Employees
  17. Data Protection Policy (TLT)
  18. DBS Policy
  19. DfE Education Workforce Welbeing Charter
  20. Educational Visits Policy (TLT)
  21. Equality Policy and Procedures
  22. Exams Policy 2023-24
  23. FOI Policy List July 2018
  24. First Aid and Administration of Medicines Policy (TLT)
  25. First Aid Procedures
  26. Freedom of Information Act - Model Publication Scheme
  27. Health and Safety Policy 2022-23
  28. Home School Agreement
  29. Homework Policy
  30. ICT Acceptable Use Policy
  31. ICT Policy
  32. Lettings Policy
  33. Looked After Children Guidance (TLT)
  34. Mental Health Policy
  35. Non-Smoking Policy
  36. No Outsiders Respect Policy
  37. Offensive Weapons Policy
  38. Protection of Biometric Information Policy
  39. QPHS SEND Local Offer 2022-23
  40. Health and Safety Policy (TLT)
  41. Recruitment and Selection Policy
  42. Returns and Refunds Policy (TLT)
  43. Safeguarding Policy
  44. Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy
  45. Sex and Relationships Policy
  46. Special Educational Needs & Disability Policy
  47. Staff Code of Conduct Policy
  48. Staff Wellbeing Policy
  49. Substance Misuse Policy
  50. Supplemental-Funding-Agreement 2024
  51. Supporting Students with a Medical Condition Policy (TLT)
  52. Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy
  53. Teaching & Learning Policy
  54. Transgender Policy
  55. Uniform Policy (TLT)
  56. Whistleblowing Policy