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Employer Engagement - Business Community

Research has shown that those students who had at least 4 meaningful employer engagements between Years 7-11 were 86% less likely to become NEET* than those that had no such encounters.
(Mann, A. et al. (2017) Contemporary Transitions: Young people reflect on life after secondary school and college)

*NEET means Not in Education, Employment or Training! We have a collective responsibility to ensure the next generation entering the workforce have the necessary skills and qualifications to be successful in the world of work.

We want to hear from Employers

Queen’s Park High School staff, students and students  are keen to work with employers in a variety of ways to support the engagement of learners, raise aspirations and skills, and to provide insights into the world of work throughout the academic year.

We would like you to get in touch if you feel you could assist the school in any of the following:

  • Work experience placements for Key Stage 4 and 5 students
  • Mock interviews for students
  • Careers talks or insights within a subject or specialism
  • Former Queen’s Park High School students who would like to share their careers experiences
  • Extra-curricular events or workshops
  • Apprenticeship opportunities
  • STEM activity sessions, support or careers insights
  • Hosting trips or visits for small student groups 
  • Supporting careers fairs
  • Developing the Careers programme to take into account the trends in your business, sector and wider community
  • Evaluation of our careers programme

In return, we can offer you the opportunity to work with enthusiastic staff and students that are keen to engage. Employers supporting us have found the experience rewarding and are keen to return, building long term relationships with our school community to provide mutual benefit. Building networks of forward thinking professionals is a key aim therefore we welcome you to be part of our wider business network via The Pledge Partnership, The Young Chamber and our Learn Live Page. You will be inspiring the next generation to discover the opportunities that are open to them in a wide range of professions as well as having a mechanism by which you will be able to talk to future potential employees and achieve your Corporate Social Responsibility goals.

To participate in Careers related activities at Queen’s Park High School contact:
Mrs Andrea Watts - Careers Lead
Tel: 01244 257088 

Information about our Careers Strategy and Programme

Our careers strategy enables students to be:

  • engaged in understanding the world of work and be motivated to pursue a job or career
  • aware of options in the labour market, locally, nationally and internationally
  • aware of their current strengths and interests and what is needed to support their goals and aspirations
  • aligned to labour market opportunities and able to acquire skills and behaviours necessary to attain their desired employment
  • motivated to engage in all opportunities that are offered to them to ensure their success
  • develop confidence and resilience to engage proactively in the world of work
  • able to see the importance of gaining the best qualifications they can to ensure they have a wider choice of career options

We have a planned approach to careers information, advice and guidance in each year with each activity mapped against the Gatsby Benchmarks, as listed below. Benchmark 1 sits as the overriding ‘aim’ of our careers provision, with the other seven providing the specific focus areas:

  1. A Stable Careers Programme
  2. Learning from Career and Labour Market Information
  3. Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil
  4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers
  5. Encounters with Employers and Employees
  6. Experiences of Workplaces
  7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education
  8. Personal Guidance