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Mental Health & Wellbeing

If you need urgent support, please contact the Mental Health Crisis line: 0800 145 6485
Queen's Park High School's safeguarding email is:

Mental Health Awareness Week is 13th May - 19th May 2024

Click on the image below to download the powerpoint and find out more:

Mental Health Awareness

In the UK today, six children and young people (CYP) in every classroom have a diagnosable mental health problem, most of whom will not seek help for up to ten years. There is a growing awareness that earlier preventative support that focuses on building resilience and promoting well-being is necessary to meet our young people’s mental health needs. However, many young people remain reluctant to engage with preventive support, so that by the time they present to services, their difficulties may be more severe leading to poorer outcomes.

How we can help - Mental Health Strategy

We are delighted to say that here at Queen’s Park High School we are continuing to work positively to help solve this problem. We want to make sure that all of our students and our parents/carers feel confident in the knowledge that, should their child be experiencing any level of mental ill health, there is support available at Queen's Park High School to manage this.

To begin to help address the issues around young people’s mental health, we are rolling out a ‘Mental Health Strategy’ incorporating a Wellbeing Action Group, a peer support programme, regular whole school assemblies and social media Links.

Our Team

Mrs A Watts
Senior Mental Health Lead

Miss Zoe Williams
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Gemma Tunnicliffe
Sixth Form Mental Health Lead

Wellbeing Action Group

Our Wellbeing Action Group is made up of representative members from each of the relevant parties:

  • Students (one from each year group)
  • Teaching & Support Staff
  • Governing Body
  • Local CAMHS body 

In November 2022 Sixth Form students and staff successfully completed the Cheshire and Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course - an internationally recognised MHFA accreditation focused on the ALGEE approach to form a Youth MHFA Action Plan.

Through our school assemblies, PSHCE programme, our school’s social media and our upcoming on-line student concerns button on Synergy, we hope all our students will feel both positive and confident in knowing when and how to access support.

Helpful Organisations

There's a lot going on for young people right now, so please find below a list of organisations to get in touch with if you feel you are struggling, feeling overwhelmed or anxious:

Drug & Alcohol Awareness 

Although we don’t often talk about it, experimenting with drugs and alcohol can happen at any time, and sometimes there’s pressure from people around you - even your friends- to try things you might not want to. It might not be clear what to do, or who can help.

To support our students Queen's Park High School is working closely with some amazing, friendly people who can provide helpful information about drugs and alcohol so that students are made fully aware of the dangers that come with them.

We’ve teamed up with UK Addiction Treatment Centres (UKAT)– who are experts in this field and are here to help. 

Rehab 4 Addiction is a UK-based addiction helpline serving people in Chester.

UKAT have also written a very interesting guide which students and parents can read through and discuss all the topics raised during the session. 

To download your copy of the UKAT guide please click on the link below:


Self harm can take many different forms and as an individual act is hard to define. However in general self harm (also known as self injury or self mutilation) is the act of deliberately causing harm to oneself either by causing a physical injury, by putting oneself in dangerous situations and/or self neglect.

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence describes self harm as
"Intentional self poisoning or injury, irrespective of the apparent purpose of the act "
NICE 2004

 Some forms that self harm can take include:

  • Cutting, burning, biting
  • Substance abuse
  • Head banging and hitting
  • Taking personal risks
  • Picking and scratching
  • Neglecting oneself
  • Pulling out hair
  • Eating disorders
  • Over dosing and self-poisoning

There is no ‘typical’ person who self harms. It can be anyone. An individual who self harms can not and should not be stereotyped; they can be of all ages, any sex, sexuality or ethnicity and of different employment status etc.

Advice for Young People

Sources of Support:

Organisation Contact No: Website
Samaritans 08457 909090
NHS Direct 0845 4647
Childline 0800 1111
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
BEAT 0845 634 7650
National Telephone Helpline
Open between 12pm - 2:30pm and 7pm - 9pm every day of the year
0808 802 9999  
24/7 Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Line 0808 500 2222
Stonewall - LGBTQ+ (support chat line) 08000 50 20 20  
Young Carers Net
Alumina - Free online self-harm support for 11-19's
Distraction Lists that can help for young people Download

useful Coping Strategy 

If you're having a moment of stress, panic or worry, here's a simple coping strategy that may help.

NHS Breathing Exercise

Make yourself as comfortable as you can. If possible, loosen any clothes that restrict your breathing.

  • If you are lying down, place your arms a little bit away from your sides, with palms facing up. Let your legs be straight, or bend your knees so your feet are flat on the floor.
  • If you are sitting, rest your hands on the chair's arms.
  • If you are sitting or standing, place both feet flat on the ground. Whatever position you are in, place your feet roughly hip-width apart. 

Follow the steps below:

  1. Let your breath flow as deep down into your belly as is comfortable, without forcing it.
  2. Try breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
  3. Breathe in gently, and regularly (some people find it helpful to count steadily from 1 to 5. You may not be able to reach 5 at first).
  4. Then, without pausing or holding your breath, let it flow out gently, counting from 1 to 5 again.
  5. Keep doing this for 3 to 5 minutes.
You will get the most benefit if you do it regularly as part of your daily routine. 

Video Resources:

Please find below links to the videos and power points shown during tutor time, Mental Health, Wellbeing and respect assemblies and from the CAMHS website:

Video / PowerPoint  Resource Link
Mental Health Awareness Week (15th May - 21st May 2023) Download
Kooth - online mental wellbeing community presentation Download
Children's Mental Health Week Feb 2023 by Peer to Peer MHFA Team Download
ASC (short film which gives an uplifting introduction to autism) Watch now
ADHD (short animation explaining how some people experience ADHD) Watch now
Dyslexia (animation shedding light on the real challenges dyslexic children face)  Watch now
CAMHS videos on mental health & wellbeing Watch now
Peer on peer abuse - what is online sexual harassment? Watch now
Who would you tell if your saw online sexual harassment? Watch now
Put an end to online sexual harassment - what will you do? Watch now
Peer mentoring in secondary school Watch now
How to spot the signs of mental illness Watch now
We all have mental health (Anna Freud NCCF) Watch now

Support Guides for young people, parents & carers

Kooth Digital Health have put a particular spotlight on the topics below, including:

  • Feelings of depression and low mood
  • Friendship difficulties 
  • Family relationship difficulties with siblings
  • Supporting your child during difficult times

Please click on the images below to download the new support guides:

Further advice and information:

Please see the posters below for the "Your Police" Instagram page - a safe place made for teens with reliable information, advice and weekly quizzes to help keep you safe.

If you need further support, please contact:
Mrs A Watts - Senior Mental Health Lead
Tel: 01244 257088 ext 4029