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The admissions deadline for Year 6 progressing to Year 7 in September 2025 is 31st October 2024.
For late applications, parents/carers can apply for a school place -  here


Choosing the right school for your son/daughter is an important decision and at Queen’s Park High School we strive to give you as much insight and information as possible to help you with this process.

The admissions round for children starting high school in September 2025 opens on 1st September 2024. Please read the information below on how to apply to our school. You can also visit our Open Events page which we hope you will find useful.

How to Apply

All applications for admission to Queen’s Park High School for children transferring from Year 6 into Year 7 are co-ordinated centrally by the Local Authority. To apply please visit Cheshire West and Chester Council School Admissions you will then need to create an account and follow the online application process.

If you do not have an email and are unable to apply on line please download and complete the application form below and post to: School Admissions, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford CW7 1AH.

If you have any difficulties with this process please contact the local authority on 0300 123 7039 or email 

Closing date for applications into Year 7 for September 2025 is 31st October 2024.

We welcome applications from all children from our Partner Primary Schools (as detailed in our Admissions Policy) which includes Belgrave, Chester Blue Coat, Dodleston, Eccleston, Grosvenor Park Academy, Hoole, Lache and Overleigh St Marys.   We also welcome applications from children currently attending Primary schools outside of our immediate catchment, for example in September 2024 we are welcoming children from over 20 different primary schools. All applicants resident in another English authority must apply to their home local authority even if applying for a school within Cheshire West and Chester.

If you would like to make an enquiry about school places in Year 7 for September 2025, please contact: Mrs Bearcroft, Transition Lead

In-Year Admissions

All requests for In-Year admissions between September and July are dealt with by the school.
Applications must be made through Cheshire West and Chester (CWAC) website. 

For further information on admissions to Queen's Park High School, please contact our Admissions & Attendance Officer
Tel: 01244 257088

KEY dates for your diary 

Date Event
1 September 2024 Year 6 progressing to Year 7 in September 2025:
Parents/carers can apply for a school place - click here
18 September 2024  Open Evening 6pm-8pm
19, 20 & 23 September 2024 Open Mornings 9.15am - 12noon
31 October 2024 Year 6 progressing to Year 7 in September 2025:
Closing date for secondary school applications.
Both paper and online applications must be submitted to the Authority by this date.
12 December 2024 Deadline for supporting information
  • Any information received by this date will be considered for the initial allocation of school places, for example, change of address, change in circumstances, reasons for the local Council to consider a late application/change of preference as on time
  • Any information received after this date cannot be included in the initial allocation of school places, however will be considered later in the process following the 3 March 2025.
3 March 2025 Notification of offers.

Applicants can view the school place offered by logging into their account. Emails sent to parents/carers who have applied online notifying of the school place offered.

If a paper application has been made, offer letters will be posted out to parents/carers notifying of school place offered.

31 March 2025

Closing date for on time appeals
Appeals received by this date will be heard by 19 June 2025

or within 40 school days for those appeals received after 31 March 2025

21 May 2025  Induction/Welcome Evening 6pm - 7pm for new Year 7 students and their families.
1st July 2025  Transition/Taster Day 8.50am - 3.00pm at Queen's Park High School for all new Year 7 children

18th - 20th August 2025 (TBC)

3 day Summer School for new Year 7 students starting QPHS


During the first half of the Autumn Term we host our Open Evening for Parents/Carers of Year 5 and Year 6 children plus a number of Open Mornings.

Open Evening 2024

Our Open Evening for Year 5 and Year 6 children and their families will be held on Wednesday 18th September 2024 from 6pm - 8pm. 

During the course of the evening you will be able to take a guided tour of the school with our Sixth Form students and have the chance to see:

  • Queen’s Park High School students at work in different subject areas
  • Displays of students’ work and information
  • Teachers and support staff in all areas of the school
  • SENCO and Pastoral Support Teams

Children will also have the opportunity to get involved in a range of exciting activities taking place in each of the subject areas around the school and sample Queen’s Park High School food with tasty treats served from The Eatery (school dining area).

During the evening our Headteacher, Mr Kearns will be giving two presentations, one at 6.00pm which will be repeated at 7.00pm in the Main Hall. The presentation is designed to give families a brief introduction to the school together with an overview of the transition process throughout the year ahead.

As part of the presentation, we will be inviting some of our Year 7 and Sixth Form students to the stage who will share their own experiences and views on life at Queen's Park High School with visitors.

Members of the Senior Leadership Team, school governors and The Learning Trust members are also available throughout the evening to answer any questions.

Please note, there is no need to book for our Open Evening, just arrive at our school's main reception.

Can't make it to our Open Evening, then come along to one of our Open Mornings.

Open Mornings

Our Open Mornings provide parents and children with an opportunity to experience what the school feels like during a normal working day and to meet some of our students and staff, including Headteacher: Mr Kearns and Transition Lead: Mrs Bearcroft. 

They run from 9.15am - 12pm on the following dates:

Our Open Mornings so far this academic year take place on:

  • Thursday 19th September 2024 
  • Friday 20th September 2024 
  • Monday 23rd September 2024
  • March and June - dates TBC

Tours can take up to 45 minutes and should be booked in advance by contacting main reception.
You will need to supply your contact number and email address along with your child's name, current primary school and year group.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Admission appeals 

While most parents/carers will be able to send their child off to start their educational journey at the high school of their preference in September, there will be a handful who may not have been allocated their preferred choice. The reason for this is usually that the demand for places is higher than those available. In this instance you should receive a letter from the school stating why your child has not been admitted.

If we cannot offer you a place you have the right to appeal, which will be determined by an Independent Appeal Panel. The Appeal Form can be downloaded below.

For appeal timeline, please refer to the Key Dates for your Diary (above)

For late applications, Appeals will be heard within 40 schools days from the deadline for submitting appeals where possible, or within 30 school days of the appeal being submitted.

For in-year application Appeals, the panel will hear Appeals within 30 school days of submission.

You will be given the date and time of the Appeal hearing at least 10 school days in advance of the Appeal hearing.

The school's statement of its case will be sent to you 10 school days prior to the Appeal. The clerk will also send papers to the sitting panel and parties within ten days of the hearing.

Submitting any additional evidence must be done no later than seven days before the Appeal hearing takes place.

You will normally be notified of the panel’s decision in writing no later than 5 working days of the Appeal hearings being completed. Decisions of Appeals Panels are final and binding.

Late applications 

If the closing date to apply for a place in Year 7 for September has passed, you can still submit a late application - please refer to pages 9-10 of the Transferring to Secondary School booklet for further information on late applications (see attachment below)

Admissions policy 

Please read the Admissions Policy for the next academic year. This is the policy that will be applied to all applications. To download this policy and the current year's admission policy, please visit our Policies & Documents page or you can access them at the bottom of this page.


The Trustee Board met on 12 February 2025 and discussed the proposed PAN reduction at QPHS and its admission arrangements for all Trust schools for 2026-2027.  

The Trustee Board agreed that there would be no changes made to the PAN following the consultation, which ran from Thursday 28 November to Wednesday 22 January 2025 inclusive. and Trustees approved the Policy detailing all Trust admission arrangements for 2026-2027, with no changes made.  

For a copy of The Learning Trust Admissions Policy 2026-2027, which includes Appendices for each of the Trust's schools, please refer to our Policies & Documents page.


For more information on Sixth Form admissions, entry requirements and appeals, please click on the link:
Sixth Form Admissions 

For further information on admissions to Queen's Park High School Sixth Form, please contact:
Mrs V Prydden, Head of Sixth Form