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Careers & Guidance

 What is CEIAG?

CEIAG stands for Careers Education, Information And Guidance.  It is the acronym used to describe any support and education which is provided to students which helps inform their next steps, whether that be a transition to the next phase of education (options at GCSE for example), decisions about post 16 education or training or indeed the choice of higher education, further education, apprenticeships or employment at the end of post 18 study.

how will it be delivered and reviewed? 

Our CEIAG programme is co-ordinated by the Careers Lead and PSHCE co-ordinator, Mrs Watts and delivered by school staff.

As students progress through Key Stages 3 and 4 they will be taught how to develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes to manage their own learning including: how to evaluate themselves honestly and realistically, how to set targets, make decisions, review and summarise their progress, present themselves effectively and make action plans which match their personal skills to abilities, interests and careers aspirations. 

Through the 'living in the wider world' strand of the PSHCE programme of study and via the 'STEPS' tutor time programme, students have the opportunity to learn about careers with access to various platforms including ; Learn Live, Start and I-could. They actively explore Labour Market Information, the options and pathways across the local area open to them to achieve their career aspirations. As students progress through KS5, they will have the opportunity to gain further CEIAG with reference to the careers they are interested in including support with Apprenticeships and applying for University via a UCAS application.  

Students will also receive impartial careers advice from a Level 6 trained careers adviser, and, for a specific cohort, through Young Peoples' Services in Cheshire West and Chester.

 At Queen's Park High School we regularly review the Careers Programme to ensure all students have access to a range of opportunities. The date of the schools next review of the information published is July 2025.

At Queen's Park High School we measure and assess the impact of our careers programme on students via: 

  • Completion of the Future Skills Questionnaire during the Summer Term 
  • Internal Quality Assurance Procedures as part of Health Check Weeks which are timetabled during the academic year 
  • Student Voice activities 

We carefully consider the views of stakeholders as part of our ongoing whole school evaluation which includes:  

  • Parental Surveys 
  • Feedback from employers following key events

To download our Careers Programme for 2024 - 2025, please click on the link below:  

Independent careers advice and guidance 

The Learning Trust employs a Level 6 trained careers adviser, who provides independent careers advice through 1:1 appointments with students mainly from years 10-13 as they embark on significant career planning decisions. 

Students in Year 7, 8 and 9 will also be offered appointments if required for support and engagement purposes.  Our careers adviser will also be available for drop in appointments at the Guided Choices event for Year 9 and the Steps to Success event for Year 11 students. Parents and students can request independent support and advice. 

work experience 

Work experience is offered to all students in Year 10 and 12. During the Summer Term, students will be expected to spend a week in employment, gaining experience and skills to support decision-making and to inspire them with the opportunities they have.  Students are requested to self-place using the guidance provided in the launch assembly and sent to students and parents via Synergy.  ​
We have links through The Pledge Partnership to employers in a wide range of sectors to support students with finding placements. 

Career Pathways guide for parents & carers 

Below are useful guides with reference to options, futures and pathways. Each parent guide can be viewed by clicking on the relevant image below:

If your child is considering an apprenticeship Choices magazine is the ultimate FREE parent/carer guide to apprenticeships and technical education! 

The Parents' Guide to Careers
The Future of Work Guide
Apprenticeship Information - Feb 2021
Helping your child begin their career journey
Home Life & Study
Helping your child know what's next

With the support of their sponsor JP Morgan, Success at Schools are creating a guide to help parents and carers steer their children through the confusing world of careers choices. From university and apprenticeships to work experience and gap years, this guide has it all.

The full careers guide will be out next academic year - but an ebook preview version to help parents can be downloaded by visiting: Helping your child begin their career journey 

​​​At QPHS CEIAG will also include:

  • Personal interviews at key transitional stages in Year 9, 11, 12 and 13
  • Enterprise activities in school
  • Enrichment week activities for KS3
  • All subjects linking curriculum learning to careers
  • Visits to workplaces and local education providers
  • Guest speaker presentations from universities, training providers and apprenticeship schemes
  • Taster days in the Sixth Form and at FE college
  • University visits
  • Mock interviews
  • Access to careers events involving wide range of representatives from industry, public services and education providers (in school or through links within the MAT)
  • A range of vocational courses taught throughout KS4 and KS5 which develop knowledge about work related learning and careers in a range of sectors
  • Specialist work related programmes to support vulnerable and disadvantaged students.

Useful resources to support students explore careers, future options and pathways

Get the Jump campaign: explore your education & training choices (National Careers Service) website
Post 16 options (National Careers Service) website
What next after GCSEs? Post 16 options (Family Careers Network) video
Post 18 options (National Careers Service) website
What are T Levels Film video
icould (real stories to inspire your career & tools to support CV writing and revision planning) website
Start careers for 11-18yrs (all students in KS3 & 4 will be using this platform) website
U-explore website
National Careers Service (includes a dedicated section for schools) website
Apprenticeships (latest news & info on apprenticeships & schemes plus tips on how to apply) website
Register & apply for current apprenticeships website
Cheshire & Warrington - Your Futures (career options for SEND young people) website

Click on the image to help you find your chosen career 


Key Staff: Mrs Watts is the member of staff with overall responsibility for co-ordinating Careers education and provision at QPHS. Email: Tel. 01244 257088
Heads of Year will support with advice, guidance and enrichment opportunities. In addition, individual career interviews and support can also be gained from our Careers Adviser. Tutors will ensure that information linked to careers opportunities are shared and CEIG is delivered as part of the tutor time programme and enrichment days.