Empowered Poetry Competition
Young writers' work selected for publication!
Following the Empowered Poetry competition last term, we are thrilled to announce that 12 students from Mrs Ikpeh’s Year 7 tutor group have had their work selected for publication by Young Writers.
Young Writers aims to encourage young people to engage in creative writing and poetry by working with schools to run competitions across the UK.
The last 18 months have been hard, particularly for students with school closures, isolation and general disruption to their education. Being able to voice a concern, an opinion or a point of view is so important, especially when students’ interaction with peers has been restricted over the last academic year, reducing their opportunities to discuss what matters to them.
In response to this, Young Writers invited students aged 11-18 years to write a poem for 'Empowered', and take back some control over their lives. ‘Empowered’ aims to help students find and use their voice to express themselves through poetry.
During their tutor time, Year 7 students were given the poetry prompt ‘your voice shapes you’ to write a poem that makes them feel confident and showcase what is important to them. These were then submitted to the Young Writers competition.
Mrs Ikpeh, Year 7 tutor & Teacher of English said,
“It's so exciting to be able to equip our students with the literary tools needed to express themselves. It brings me so much joy to see year 7s diligently searching out the vocabulary that best articulates the sentiment of their hearts. We're sowing seeds here at Queen's Park High School! I cannot wait to see our students grow and flourish as prolific writers!”
Congratulations to all our budding poets whose work has been selected from hundreds of schools across the UK, to feature in an anthology, due to be published next month! These books are already set up for Pre-order on the Young Writers website.
Well done to Evie, Lotte, Ruvimbo, Nicole L, Sophia, Maheen, Isabella, Tristan, Kieran, Kris, Alvaro and Hannah. What a fantastic achievement!