New Headteacher Announcement
Announcement of new Headteacher appointment
Following the announcement last term that Miss Watterson would be moving in to a new role within The Learning Trust, the Multi Academy Trust of which we are a part, I am pleased to confirm that we have now concluded a series of interviews to find a suitable successor.
The esteem in which Queen’s Park High School is now held following our ‘Good’ OFSTED report in January 2020 produced a pleasingly large number of strong applications for the position of headteacher. After selecting a high quality short list and completing a challenging two day interview process, I am delighted to be able to inform you that the Governing Body has now appointed Mr Tom Kearns to the role of headteacher.
Mr Kearns, who is currently a deputy headteacher at a high school in Wigan, will be taking up the role from September but students will no doubt see him in and around QPHS during the summer term as he familiarises himself with the school.
We firmly believe that Mr Kearns is absolutely the right person to continue the fantastic work that has been achieved at QPHS and are equally confident that he will build on the foundations that Miss Watterson and her team have developed, particularly in the past 12 months of disrupted learning and lockdown. It would be remiss of me to not also add a huge thanks to all students, parents and carers for the way in which you have all engaged with the school during this time of remote learning.
I know that Miss Watterson will continue to be a visible presence at QPHS in a role which will seek to improve the educational outcomes for all of our students, whether it be academic or vocational. The last 12 months may well establish new ways of working for the future and we need to ensure that all of our students have the appropriate skills for the changing workplace and the new opportunities it presents.
Finally, on behalf of the governors, I would like to thank Miss Watterson for her unstinting work ethic and attention to detail, which have been critical success factors in shaping QPHS to what it is today. We are a growing school with a good reputation and improved academic results. These have been achieved in difficult and unprecedented times but our success is down to the teamwork of the head, senior leaders, teachers, support staff and of course, our students, who have all shown the desire to define their futures.
I look forward to working with Mr Kearns to build on these successes in the coming years.
Peter Burke
Mr Peter Burke
Chair of Governors, Queen's Park High School