Walk Around the World Easter Fundraiser
Please support and sponsor our students as they attempt to walk, cycle, run and row a total of just over 40,000km (the equivalent of the distance around the world) to raise funds for charity.
Our Sixth Form Student Leadership Team are asking for support from parents, carers, friends, family, neighbours, colleagues and businesses to help raise money through a charity event they have developed. They have set our students a very ambitious challenge over the Easter break to cover just over 40,000km (collectively) - the circumference of the Earth, by walking, cycling, running and rowing! They are encouraging each student to record their total distance and contribute to their tutor group’s cumulative total, which we hope will reach 40,075km (24,860 miles) i.e. the distance around the world!
Here's Chloe our Sixth Form Community Co-ordinator with more details:
The team have chosen to raise money for Centrepoint, a charity tackling homelessness in young people and the school's PTA (Parent Teacher Association) who raise money to support extra-curricular opportunities for all students in school. Our goal is to raise £500 or more, which is just over £1 for every 100km covered, so we really hope you can support this event to help raise money for these two very worthy causes.
Every student has been given their own sponsorship form on which they can record donations for each kilometre they travel or single, one-off donations from family and friends. Each sponsor can make their donation to our Just Giving page (link below):
On Monday 19th April, we will add up the total distance travelled to reveal the winning tutor group and overall winning house team. All distance travelled will follow the current Covid-19 restrictions around exercise and social mixing.
We wold be really grateful if you could share the Just Giving link below with your families and friends so that we can raise as much money as possible and reach our goal.