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Latest News

Page 11

  • Latest Newsletter

    Published 16/12/19

    The latest edition of our school newsletter is out now! Keep up to date with everything that’s been happening at Queen’s Park High School this last term.

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  • Gifts of Kindness

    Published 09/12/19

    Support Christmas Jumper Day and your local food bank, this Friday 13th December.

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  • Diana Award Ambassadors

    Published 13/11/19

    Student Leaders join together with schools across Cheshire to take part in The Diana Award Anti-bullying Ambassador training. 

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  • Geography Trip

    Published 11/11/19

    What will our Year 11 score Liverpool in their environmental quality surveys?

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  • Sixth Form Open Evening

    Published 05/11/19

    Take charge of your future! Come along to our Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 20th November 2019 and see how we can help you achieve your ambitions. Pop the date in the diary and we look forward to seeing you here! 

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  • Member Recruitment for TLT

    Published 17/10/19

    With a small commitment, you could make a big difference to local education.

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  • QPHS Run for Cancer

    Published 09/09/19

    Staff at Queen’s Park High School are currently in training for the Equinox 24 hour race in an effort to raise funds for The Clatterbridge Cancer Charity and The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. 

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  • Rowathon

    Published 06/09/19

    100 mile Rowathon - a whole club fundraising event to see how many miles our crews can row on the River Dee.

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  • Open Events 2019

    Published 04/09/19

    We will be holding our Open Evening for Parents/Carers of Year 5 and Year 6 children and their families on Thursday 19th September 2019, plus two Open Mornings over the first half of the Autumn Term.

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  • GCSE Results Revealed

    Published 22/08/19

    Today we are once again celebrating the successes of our Year 11 students as they come back into school to collect their GCSE results.

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  • School Uniform

    Published 20/08/19

    Check out the latest guidance on our school uniform before you buy for September.

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  • A Level Results 2019

    Published 15/08/19

    Triumphant Year for Sixth Formers at Queen’s Park High School.

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