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Page 10

  • COVID-19 (Coronavirus)Updates

    Published 12/06/20

    We continue to follow guidance provided by daily updates from the Department for Education and Public Health England to prevent the spread of COVID-19 including the importance of personal hygiene and cleanliness.

    Please find the latest updates for parents/carers from Miss Watterson (Headteacher) below and all letters sent out to parents/carers regarding COVID-19 at the bottom of this page:

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  • Thank a Teacher Day

    Published 01/06/20

    Every year on National Thank A Teacher Day we celebrate teachers across the country.  

    Queen's Park High School staff were delighted to receive this thoughtful video created by Year 11 student, Tyler who teamed up (remotely) with other Queen's Park High School students to send a virtual thank you message to the staff at Queen's Park High School as part of this year's 'Thank a Teacher Day'.

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  • Pioneering Teaching & Learning in Lockdown

    Published 21/05/20

    Year 11 students at Queen’s Park High School are set for head start to their A level studies as online live lessons with their teachers enable them to continue virtual classroom style learning.

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  • Raising spirits in lockdown

    Published 12/05/20

    Covid-19 has dramatically changed our way of life for the time being and the majority of us are desperately missing our work colleagues and the students we are used to seeing on a daily basis.  Queen's Park High School staff thought they would try to lift the spirits of students and their families whilst also raising awareness of the importance of staying safe and staying at home.

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  • QPHS Stay Home, Stay Safe

    Published 01/05/20

    Over the Easter holidays at Queen's Park High School, children of key workers filmed a video reflecting on just how much they want all of their friends from the school to come back safe and well when the school opens again. Despite the sad tone to the film they actually had a lot of fun filming it!

    We hope you enjoy it and look forward to seeing you all in person again as soon as it is safe to do so.

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  • World Ergo Competition

    Published 28/04/20

    During these unprecedented times Queen's Park High School Rowing Club have been using their time in lock down to full effect by competing in the World Ergo Challenge at their respective homes. The formidable team collectively rowed a whopping 4.3million metres in four weeks earning them third place in the high school category of this world competition!

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  • Latest newsletter

    Published 28/04/20

    The latest edition of our school newsletter is out now and can be viewed on line here!
    It’s packed full of news and events to keep you up to date with everything that’s been happening at Queen’s Park High School this last term.

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  • We Will Rock You

    Published 24/03/20

    Queen’s Park High School has a fantastic history of producing high quality productions that enable our students to excel in the performing arts both on and off stage and this year was no exception!

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  • Parent Governor Nomination Results

    Published 12/03/20

    Parent Governor Nomination Results

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  • We're all smiles at QPHS

    Published 22/01/20

    During the first week of term Queen's Park High School had an Ofsted inspection and we are delighted to be able to share the report with the final outcome of what was our first full inspection as a new academy since our conversion back in 2017.

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  • Mathematics honour

    Published 10/01/20

    Sixth Form student receives esteemed award in mathematics for their outstanding progress.

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  • Global Partnerships

    Published 07/01/20

    Queen's Park High School gains funding from the British Council to develop international links with The Lyceum School in Lahore, Pakistan through their Connecting Classrooms Programme.

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