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Health Careers

Interested in a career in helping people?

Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are healthcare specialists who provide treatment and help rehabilitate patients, spending their careers helping others live the fullest lives possible. They work directly with patients, where they can really see the difference they make to people’s everyday lives – relieving their pain and helping them stay independent. AHPs make up the third largest clinical workforce in the NHS, giving you so many career options to explore. The best thing is – there are so many opportunities and most graduates find a job straight away!

The Allied Health Professions comprise of:

Art therapists, Diagnostic radiographers, Dieticians, Dramatherapists,
Music therapists, Occupational therapists, Operating department practitioners, Orthoptists, Osteopaths, Paramedics, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Prosthetists and Orthotists, Speech and Language therapists, and Therapeutic radiographers.

If you’re wondering what qualities you will need to be a good AHP, the following is from the NHS Constitution…

  • Working together for patients
  • Respect and dignity
  • Commitment to quality of care
  • Compassion
  • Improving lives
  • Everyone counts

The requirements of each AHP varies slightly. However, the usual route is a three year undergraduate course at university to train to become a healthcare specialist.

Entry requirements range from CCC to BBB at A-Level (or equivalent). 

If you’re interested, have a chat with the university of your choice. Find a university on our course finder: