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Attend today, achieve tomorrow

 At Queen's Park High School our mantra is "Attend today, achieve tomorrow". As the link between Attendance and Success is really strong, being in school and on time every day is important for success.

Research strongly links student attendance and student progress. Students with no absences are over two times as likely to achieve 5+ GCSE grades 9-5. When a child is absent from school, whether their absence is authorised or not, they will fall behind with work. This can lead to gaps in their learning and can have an impact upon their progress.

Every day a child is in school contributes to giving them the very best opportunities of success in all areas of school life. Therefore, we ask that medical or dental appointments are, where possible, made for after-school hours.

Punctuality is equally important. Lost minutes in school lead to gaps in knowledge and a huge risk to progress and attainment. We expect all students to be punctual to avoid missing time in lessons. Students should be on time to all lessons, including Set-Up, every day. We appreciate parents/carers support in establishing a routine which promotes punctuality. If you know that your child is going to be late, you should report this to school via synergy or phone call to school. If late marks are incurred either to Set-Up or to lessons, the school’s attendance policy will be followed.

Good attendance and punctuality will be celebrated. Students showing an improvement in their punctuality and attendance will also be rewarded.

Reporting an Absence

As a school, we have a duty to safeguard all our students. If a child is absent, parents/carers should inform us on the first day of absence and each following day of absence, stating the reason.

Absences should be reported to school by one of the following ways:

  • Report absence via the Synergy app
  • Ring the school and report the absence via the absence line

To support your child to have good attendance, you can:

  • Ensure your child attends school every day and on time (on site by 8:35am)
  • Only keep your child at home if they are genuinely too ill to come in to school.
  • If your child is not well enough to attend, contact the school on each day of absence.
  • Take family holidays during the school holidays. Any holidays in term time will not be authorised.
  • Attend parents’ evenings and school events so you can support your child at home.
  • If you want to speak to someone about your child’s attendance, please contact their Group Tutor or the School Attendance Officer. If you are struggling to get your child to school, please let us know and we can try to help.