British Science Week

During the week 13-17 March QPHS took part in British Science Week - it was a great success! As part of curriculum lessons, students entered the national poster competition entitled 'Change'.
Students came up with some considered ideas about what 'Change' meant to them in Science including changes to technology, climate change and changes throughout the year. During each lunch time that week, staff led various activities, including eye dissections, the magic of Physics and chemical explosions!
On Friday our STEM Ambassador, Roger Todd, came into school to share his experiences about engineering and entrepreneurship. Several classes also had the opportunity to take part in 'I'm a Scientist, Get me Out of Here'; students spoke to real-life scientists via a webchat and asked them questions about their work.
To top it all it was a chance for our Science teachers to show off their inner geek, by wearing Science themed T-Shirts and showcasing their favourite demonstrations!