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No Outsiders Day

We are all different and we know that this is something that should be celebrated!
The 'No Outsiders' programme educates children about diversity within our communities and addresses issues such as sexism, ageism, race and different types of families.

On Friday 27th June, we will celebrate what makes Queen's Park High School the caring, inclusive environment it is.

Ellie from our Sixth Form Leadership Team is our 'No Outsiders' rep in school and in a whole school assembly at the beginning of the week, she highlighted the expectations of all students to follow our 'No Outsiders Respect' policy.

On Friday we will celebrate the diversity of our school population and recognise that everyone is welcome regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, neurodiversity or disability.

We are asking all students/staff to show their support by wearing a colourful item in addition to to their normal school uniform. This might be a different coloured shirt, tie, headband etc. It is not an own clothes day but an opportunity to mix colour into our existing uniform.

Students/staff are asked to donate £1 via ParentMail. A message regarding this has been sent to parents via Synergy and we hope to raise £500 to enable school to take part in the ADHD Foundations Umbrella Project next academic year.

At lunchtime on Friday, the LGBTQ+ group will be holding a cake bake sale. Staff will also be placed in stocks for a thorough wet sponge soaking with students paying £1 to have the honour of drenching their favourite (least favourite) staff member!

In addition to this, we are also asking staff to look out for Acts Of Kindness amongst our students. All staff will record any time they see a student showing kindness eg maybe helping staff in the classroom, supporting another student with their work or being the person who always looks out for others. A draw will take place on Monday 1st July and a prize given to the lucky student whose act of kindness is drawn from the box.

"We are looking forward to celebrating our inclusivity and would like to thank you in advance of your support in making Queen's Park High School the school in Chester where all students feel like they belong."

Mrs Z Williams, Safeguarding lead

Please find below a little snippet from our 'No Outsiders Day'