'Hello Yellow' is back!
A little yellow goes a long way and on Monday 10th October we want to give students their chance to brighten up the classroom as we take part in 'Hello Yellow' for World Mental Health Day.
The drive to wear something yellow to school is part of the 'Hello Yellow' initiative inspired by YoungMinds; a charity which aims to support the mental health of young people in the UK. To support this campaign we are inviting all students and staff to wear something yellow along with their normal uniform this Monday to help promote awareness and thinking around mental health.
We are all too fully aware of how society, particularly post-covid, has increased levels of anxiety and as such, we want to remove the stigma associated with having mental health issues and support a culture of openness and honesty where support can be offered.
Last year we had a huge array of additions to uniform including yellow T-shirts (worn under school blazers), yellow hats, socks, gloves, hair bobbles, bandanas and even a banana outfit!
We hope our Queen's Park family will embrace the theme and be a sea of yellow sunbeams to help demonstrate that together we can show young people they are not alone with their mental health.
We look forward to seeing what students are wearing and will add pics of this year's efforts to our photo gallery in school.
For further information on World Mental Health Day or where to get support, please visit: World Mental Health Day 10.10.2022 and our Student Health & Wellbeing page.