Hello Yellow - World Mental Health Day
A little yellow goes a long way and on Friday 8th October the sun was shining inside and outside of Queen's Park High School as staff and students took part in Hello Yellow for World Mental Health Day.
The drive to wear yellow to school was part of the 'Hello Yellow' initiative inspired by YoungMinds; a charity which aims to support the mental health of young people in the UK.
We know that over the course of the past 18 months the mental health of all of our young people has been affected to some degree and it is important now, more than ever, that students are supported to take care of themselves and raise awareness around this very important issue.
To support this campaign, we asked all students and staff to wear something yellow to school, (on top of their normal school uniform) and in true Queen's Park spirit, everyone was eager to jump on board, wearing yellow T-shirts, hats, gloves, headbands, socks and even full banana costumes to make our #HelloYellow day as big and as bright as possible! The school was indeed a sea of yellow sunbeams and helped to demonstrate that together we can show young people they're not alone with their mental health.
In addition, students were asked to bring in £1 with the aim to raise vitals funds for the YoungMinds charity. If students wished to donate more, they could of course, do that too.
We would like to thank everyone who took part to help raise awareness of mental health in young people and also to all who have donated to this very important cause.
For further information about the day please visit: Hello Yellow World Mental Health Day to watch Mrs Williams' 'Hello Yellow' assembly.